diff options
authorEinar Egilsson2011-08-26 15:11:28 +0200
committerEinar Egilsson2011-08-26 15:11:28 +0200
commite3b36411d27c6fa6575b386738f9bfd3d582c50a (patch)
parent32da992f75bf6046a8b1d829e742ef1bf0f98d89 (diff)
Deleted old files
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/movedown.pngbin294 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/movedowndisabled.pngbin361 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/moveup.pngbin360 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/moveupdisabled.pngbin282 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/redirector.pngbin1462 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/statusactive.pngbin360 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--chrome/skin/statusinactive.pngbin396 -> 0 bytes
30 files changed, 1 insertions, 1770 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/code/redirector.js b/chrome/code/redirector.js
index f4b2093..df2a25b 100644
--- a/chrome/code/redirector.js
+++ b/chrome/code/redirector.js
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Redirector = {
fileStream.init(file, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, 0644, 0);
var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterOutputStream);
stream.init(fileStream, "UTF-8", 16384, Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
- var rjson = { globalExcludePattern : '', createdBy : 'Redirector v' + RedirectorPrefs.version, redirects :[]};
+ var rjson = { globalExcludePattern : '', createdBy : 'Redirector v' + this._prefs.version, redirects :[]};
for each (var re in this._list) {
diff --git a/chrome/content/code/browserOverlay.xul.js b/chrome/content/code/browserOverlay.xul.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19a37df..0000000
--- a/chrome/content/code/browserOverlay.xul.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-//// $Id$
-var Redirector = Components.classes["@einaregilsson.com/redirector;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.rdIRedirector);
-var RedirectorOverlay = {
- strings : null,
- prefs : null,
- onLoad : function(event) {
- try {
- // initialization code
- document.getElementById('contentAreaContextMenu')
- .addEventListener("popupshowing", function(e) { RedirectorOverlay.showContextMenu(e); }, false);
- this.strings = document.getElementById("redirector-strings");
- this.prefs = new RedirectorPrefs();
- this.changedPrefs(this.prefs);
- this.prefs.addListener(this);
- } catch(e) {
- if (this.strings) {
- alert(this.strings.getString("initError") + "\n\n" + e);
- } else {
- alert(e);
- }
- }
- },
- onUnload : function(event) {
- this.prefs.dispose();
- Redirector.debug("Finished cleanup");
- },
- changedPrefs : function(prefs) {
- var statusImg = document.getElementById('redirector-statusbar-img');
- if (prefs.enabled) {
- statusImg.src = 'chrome://redirector/skin/statusactive.png'
- statusImg.setAttribute('tooltiptext', this.strings.getString('enabledTooltip'));
- } else {
- statusImg.src = 'chrome://redirector/skin/statusinactive.png'
- statusImg.setAttribute('tooltiptext', this.strings.getString('disabledTooltip'));
- }
- document.getElementById('redirector-status').hidden = !prefs.showStatusBarIcon;
- document.getElementById('redirector-context').hidden = !prefs.showContextMenu;
- },
- showContextMenu : function(event) {
- if (gContextMenu.onLink) {
- document.getElementById("redirector-context").label = this.strings.getString('addLinkUrl');
- } else {
- document.getElementById("redirector-context").label = this.strings.getString('addCurrentUrl');
- }
- },
- onContextMenuCommand: function(event) {
- var redirect = new Redirect(window.content.location.href, window.content.location.href);
- if (gContextMenu.onLink) {
- redirect.redirectUrl = gContextMenu.link.toString();
- }
- var args = { saved : false, 'redirect' : redirect };
- window.openDialog("chrome://redirector/content/ui/editRedirect.xul", "redirect", "chrome,dialog,modal,centerscreen", args);
- if (args.saved) {
- Redirector.addRedirect(args.redirect);
- }
- },
- onMenuItemCommand: function(event) {
- this.openSettings();
- },
- toggleEnabled : function(event) {
- this.prefs.enabled = !this.prefs.enabled;
- },
- openSettings : function() {
- var windowName = "redirectorSettings";
- var windowsMediator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var win = windowsMediator.getMostRecentWindow(windowName);
- if (win) {
- win.focus();
- } else {
- window.openDialog("chrome://redirector/content/ui/settings.xul",
- windowName,
- "chrome,dialog,resizable=yes,centerscreen", this);
- }
- },
- statusBarClick : function(event) {
- var LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 2;
- if (event.button == LEFT) {
- RedirectorOverlay.toggleEnabled();
- } else if (event.button == RIGHT) {
- this.openSettings();
- }
- }
-window.addEventListener("load", function(event) { RedirectorOverlay.onLoad(event); }, false);
-window.addEventListener("unload", function(event) { RedirectorOverlay.onUnload(event); }, false);
diff --git a/chrome/content/code/editRedirect.xul.js b/chrome/content/code/editRedirect.xul.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 650a8bf..0000000
--- a/chrome/content/code/editRedirect.xul.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-//// $Id$
-var EditRedirect = {
- txtExampleUrl : null,
- txtIncludePattern : null,
- txtRedirectUrl : null,
- txtExcludePattern : null,
- chkUnescapeMatches : null,
- rdoRegex : null,
- rdoWildcard : null,
- onLoad : function() {
- var args = window.arguments[0];
- var redirect = args.redirect;
- this.txtExampleUrl = document.getElementById('txtExampleUrl');
- this.txtIncludePattern = document.getElementById('txtIncludePattern');
- this.txtRedirectUrl= document.getElementById('txtRedirectUrl');
- this.txtExcludePattern= document.getElementById('txtExcludePattern');
- this.chkUnescapeMatches= document.getElementById('chkUnescapeMatches');
- this.rdoWildcard= document.getElementById('rdoWildcard');
- this.rdoRegex = document.getElementById('rdoRegex');
- this.txtExampleUrl.value = redirect.exampleUrl;
- this.txtIncludePattern.value = redirect.includePattern;
- this.txtExcludePattern.value = redirect.excludePattern;
- this.txtRedirectUrl.value = redirect.redirectUrl;
- this.chkUnescapeMatches.setAttribute('checked', redirect.unescapeMatches);
- this.rdoRegex.setAttribute('selected', redirect.isRegex());
- this.rdoWildcard.setAttribute('selected', redirect.isWildcard());
- this.txtIncludePattern.focus();
- this.strings = document.getElementById("redirector-strings");
- },
- onAccept : function() {
- var args = window.arguments[0];
- var msg, title;
- args.saved = true;
- this.saveValues(args.redirect);
- var oldDisabled = args.redirect.disabled;
- args.redirect.disabled = false;
- if (!/^\s*$/.test(args.redirect.exampleUrl)) {
- var result = args.redirect.getMatch(args.redirect.exampleUrl);
- if (!result.isMatch) {
- title = this.strings.getString('warningExampleUrlDoesntMatchPatternTitle');
- msg = this.strings.getString('warningExampleUrlDoesntMatchPattern');
- var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- var rv = ps.confirmEx(window, title, msg, ps.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS, ps.BUTTON_TITLE_YES, ps.BUTTON_TITLE_NO, null, null, {});
- return rv == 0;
- } else {
- var resultUrl = result.redirectTo;
- if (!resultUrl.match(/https?:/)) {
- var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var uri = ioService.newURI(args.redirect.exampleUrl, null, null);
- resultUrl = uri.resolve(resultUrl);
- }
- var secondResult = args.redirect.getMatch(resultUrl);
- if (secondResult.isMatch) {
- title = this.strings.getString('errorExampleUrlMatchesRecursiveTitle');
- msg = this.strings.getFormattedString('errorExampleUrlMatchesRecursive', [args.redirect.exampleUrl, resultUrl]);
- this.msgBox(title, msg);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- msgBox : function(title, text) {
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService)
- .alert(window, title, text);
- },
- saveValues : function(redirect) {
- redirect.exampleUrl = this.txtExampleUrl.value;
- redirect.includePattern = this.txtIncludePattern.value;
- redirect.excludePattern = this.txtExcludePattern.value;
- redirect.redirectUrl = this.txtRedirectUrl.value;
- redirect.patternType = this.rdoRegex.getAttribute('selected') == 'true' ? Redirect.REGEX : Redirect.WILDCARD;
- var val = this.chkUnescapeMatches.getAttribute('checked');
- redirect.unescapeMatches = val === 'true' || val === true;
- //Disabled cannot be set here
- },
- testPattern : function() {
- try {
- var redirect = new Redirect();
- this.saveValues(redirect);
- var extName = this.strings.getString('extensionName');
- var result = redirect.test();
- if (result.isMatch) {
- this.msgBox(extName, this.strings.getFormattedString('testPatternSuccess', [redirect.includePattern, redirect.exampleUrl, result.redirectTo]));
- } else if (result.isExcludeMatch) {
- this.msgBox(extName, this.strings.getFormattedString('testPatternExclude', [redirect.exampleUrl, redirect.excludePattern]));
- } else {
- this.msgBox(extName, this.strings.getFormattedString('testPatternFailure', [redirect.includePattern, redirect.exampleUrl]));
- }
- } catch(e) {alert(e);}
- }
-}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chrome/content/code/redirect.js b/chrome/content/code/redirect.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ca7c8..0000000
--- a/chrome/content/code/redirect.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-//// $Id$
-function Redirect(exampleUrl, includePattern, redirectUrl, patternType, excludePattern, unescapeMatches, disabled) {
- this._init(exampleUrl, includePattern, redirectUrl, patternType, excludePattern, unescapeMatches, disabled);
-Redirect.WILDCARD = 'W';
-Redirect.REGEX = 'R';
-Redirect.prototype = {
- // rdIRedirect implementation
- //attributes
- exampleUrl : null,
- get includePattern() { return this._includePattern; },
- set includePattern(value) {
- this._includePattern = value;
- this._rxInclude = this._compile(value);
- },
- get excludePattern() { return this._excludePattern; },
- set excludePattern(value) {
- this._excludePattern = value;
- this._rxExclude = this._compile(value);
- },
- redirectUrl : null,
- get patternType() { return this._patternType; },
- set patternType(value) {
- this._patternType = value;
- this.compile();
- },
- unescapeMatches : false,
- disabled : false,
- //Functions
- clone : function() {
- return new Redirect(this.exampleUrl, this.includePattern,
- this.redirectUrl, this.patternType,
- this.excludePattern, this.unescapeMatches,
- this.disabled);
- },
- compile : function() {
- this._rxInclude = this._compile(this._includePattern);
- this._rxExclude = this._compile(this._excludePattern);
- },
- copyValues : function(other) {
- this.exampleUrl = other.exampleUrl;
- this.includePattern = other.includePattern;
- this.excludePattern = other.excludePattern;
- this.redirectUrl = other.redirectUrl;
- this.patternType = other.patternType;
- this.unescapeMatches = other.unescapeMatches;
- this.disabled = other.disabled;
- },
- deserialize : function(str) {
- if (!str || !str.split) {
- throw Error("Invalid serialized redirect: " + str);
- }
- var parts = str.split(',,,');
- if (parts.length < 5) {
- throw Error("Invalid serialized redirect, too few fields: " + str);
- }
- this._init.apply(this, parts);
- },
- equals : function(redirect) {
- return this.exampleUrl == redirect.exampleUrl
- && this.includePattern == redirect.includePattern
- && this.excludePattern == redirect.excludePattern
- && this.redirectUrl == redirect.redirectUrl
- && this.patternType == redirect.patternType
- && this.unescapeMatches == redirect.unescapeMatches
- ;
- },
- getMatch: function(url) {
- var result = {
- isMatch : false,
- isExcludeMatch : false,
- isDisabledMatch : false,
- redirectTo : '',
- toString : function() { return "{ isMatch : " + this.isMatch +
- ", isExcludeMatch : " + this.isExcludeMatch +
- ", isDisabledMatch : " + this.isDisabledMatch +
- ", redirectTo : \"" + this.redirectTo + "\"" +
- "}"; }
- };
- var redirectTo = null;
- redirectTo = this._includeMatch(url);
- if (redirectTo !== null) {
- if (this.disabled) {
- result.isDisabledMatch = true;
- } else if (this._excludeMatch(url)) {
- result.isExcludeMatch = true;
- } else {
- result.isMatch = true;
- result.redirectTo = redirectTo;
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- isRegex: function() {
- return this.patternType == Redirect.REGEX;
- },
- isWildcard : function() {
- return this.patternType == Redirect.WILDCARD;
- },
- serialize : function() {
- return [ this.exampleUrl
- , this.includePattern
- , this.redirectUrl
- , this.patternType
- , this.excludePattern
- , this.unescapeMatches
- , this.disabled ].join(',,,');
- },
- test : function() {
- return this.getMatch(this.exampleUrl);
- },
- //end rdIRedirect
- //nsISupports
- QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.rdIRedirect]),
- //end nsISupports
- //Private functions below
- _includePattern : null,
- _excludePattern : null,
- _patternType : null,
- _rxInclude : null,
- _rxExclude : null,
- _preparePattern : function(pattern) {
- if (this.patternType == Redirect.REGEX) {
- return pattern;
- } else { //Convert wildcard to regex pattern
- var converted = '^';
- for (var i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
- var ch = pattern.charAt(i);
- if ('()[]{}?.^$\\+'.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
- converted += '\\' + ch;
- } else if (ch == '*') {
- converted += '(.*?)';
- } else {
- converted += ch;
- }
- }
- converted += '$';
- return converted;
- }
- },
- _compile : function(pattern) {
- if (!pattern) {
- return null;
- }
- return new RegExp(this._preparePattern(pattern),"gi");
- },
- _init : function(exampleUrl, includePattern, redirectUrl, patternType, excludePattern, unescapeMatches, disabled) {
- this.exampleUrl = exampleUrl || '';
- this.includePattern = includePattern || '';
- this.excludePattern = excludePattern || '';
- this.redirectUrl = redirectUrl || '';
- this.patternType = patternType || Redirect.WILDCARD;
- this.unescapeMatches = (unescapeMatches === 'true' || unescapeMatches === true);
- this.disabled = (disabled === 'true' || disabled === true);
- },
- toString : function() {
- return 'REDIRECT: {'
- + '\n\tExample url : ' + this.exampleUrl
- + '\n\tInclude pattern : ' + this.includePattern
- + '\n\tExclude pattern : ' + this.excludePattern
- + '\n\tRedirect url : ' + this.redirectUrl
- + '\n\tPattern type : ' + this.patternType
- + '\n\tUnescape matches : ' + this.unescapeMatches
- + '\n\tDisabled : ' + this.disabled
- + '\n}\n';
- },
- _includeMatch : function(url) {
- if (!this._rxInclude) {
- return null;
- }
- var matches = this._rxInclude.exec(url);
- if (!matches) {
- return null;
- }
- var resultUrl = this.redirectUrl;
- for (var i = 1; i < matches.length; i++) {
- resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(new RegExp('\\$' + i, 'gi'), this.unescapeMatches ? unescape(matches[i]) : matches[i]);
- }
- this._rxInclude.lastIndex = 0;
- return resultUrl;
- },
- _excludeMatch : function(url) {
- if (!this._rxExclude) {
- return false;
- }
- var shouldExclude = !!this._rxExclude.exec(url);
- this._rxExclude.lastIndex = 0;
- return shouldExclude;
- }
-}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chrome/content/code/redirectorprefs.js b/chrome/content/code/redirectorprefs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c3056..0000000
--- a/chrome/content/code/redirectorprefs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-function RedirectorPrefs() {
- this.init();
-RedirectorPrefs.prototype = {
- //Preferences:
- _version : null,
- _enabled : null,
- _showStatusBarIcon : null,
- _showContextMenu : null,
- _debugEnabled : null,
- _defaultDir : null,
- _redirects : null,
- _prefBranch : null,
- _listeners : null,
- //Preferences props
- get version() { return this._version; },
- set version(value) { this._prefBranch.setCharPref('version', value); },
- get enabled() { return this._enabled; },
- set enabled(value) { this._prefBranch.setBoolPref('enabled', value); },
- get showStatusBarIcon() { return this._showStatusBarIcon; },
- set showStatusBarIcon(value) { this._prefBranch.setBoolPref('showStatusBarIcon', value); },
- get showContextMenu() { return this._showContextMenu; },
- set showContextMenu(value) { this._prefBranch.setBoolPref('showContextMenu', value); },
- get debugEnabled() { return this._debugEnabled; },
- set debugEnabled(value) { this._prefBranch.setBoolPref('debugEnabled', value); },
- get defaultDir() { return this._defaultDir; },
- set defaultDir(value) { this._prefBranch.setCharPref('defaultDir', value); },
- get redirects() { return this._redirects; },
- set redirects(value) { this._prefBranch.setCharPref('redirects', value); },
- init : function() {
- this._prefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch("extensions.redirector.");
- this.reload();
- this._listeners = [];
- this.service.addObserver('extensions.redirector', this, false);
- },
- dispose : function() {
- this._listeners = null;
- this.service.removeObserver('extensions.redirector', this);
- },
- reload : function() {
- this._version = this._prefBranch.getCharPref('version');
- this._enabled = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref('enabled');
- this._showStatusBarIcon = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref('showStatusBarIcon');
- this._showContextMenu = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref('showContextMenu');
- this._debugEnabled = this._prefBranch.getBoolPref('debugEnabled');
- this._defaultDir = this._prefBranch.getCharPref('defaultDir');
- this._redirects = this._prefBranch.getCharPref('redirects');
- },
- get service() {
- return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
- },
- observe : function(subject, topic, data) {
- if (topic != 'nsPref:changed') {
- return;
- }
- this.reload();
- for each (var listener in this._listeners) {
- listener && listener.changedPrefs && listener.changedPrefs(this);
- }
- },
- addListener : function(listener) {
- this._listeners.push(listener);
- },
- removeListener : function(listener) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) {
- if (this._listeners[i] == listener) {
- this._listeners.splice(i,1);
- return;
- }
- }
- },
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chrome/content/code/settings.xul.js b/chrome/content/code/settings.xul.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec306d..0000000
--- a/chrome/content/code/settings.xul.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-var Redirector = Components.classes["@einaregilsson.com/redirector;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.rdIRedirector);
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const nsLocalFile = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/file/local;1", "nsILocalFile", "initWithPath");
-var Settings = {
- lstRedirects: null,
- btnDelete : null,
- btnEdit : null,
- btnUp : null,
- btnDown : null,
- btnExport : null,
- btnImport : null,
- chkEnableRedirector : null,
- chkShowStatusBarIcon : null,
- chkShowContextMenu : null,
- chkEnableDebugOutput : null,
- prefs : null,
- onLoad : function() {
- try {
- //Get references to controls
- this.lstRedirects = document.getElementById('lstRedirects');
- this.btnDelete = document.getElementById('btnDelete');
- this.btnEdit = document.getElementById('btnEdit');
- this.btnUp = document.getElementById('btnUp');
- this.btnDown = document.getElementById('btnDown');
- this.btnExport = document.getElementById('btnExport');
- this.btnImport = document.getElementById('btnImport');
- this.chkEnableRedirector = document.getElementById('chkEnableRedirector');
- this.chkShowStatusBarIcon = document.getElementById('chkShowStatusBarIcon');
- this.chkShowContextMenu = document.getElementById('chkShowContextMenu');
- this.chkEnableDebugOutput = document.getElementById('chkEnableDebugOutput');
- this.prefs = new RedirectorPrefs();
- //Preferences
- this.changedPrefs(this.prefs);
- this.prefs.addListener(this);
- //Redirect list
- this.lstRedirects.selType = 'single';
- this.template = document.getElementsByTagName('richlistitem')[0];
- this.lstRedirects.removeChild(this.template);
- var list = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < Redirector.redirectCount; i++) {
- list.push(Redirector.getRedirectAt(i));
- }
- this.addItemsToListBox(list);
- this.selectionChange();
- this.strings = document.getElementById('redirector-strings');
- this.strings.getPluralized = function(id, number) {
- id += number == 1 ? 'Singular' : '';
- return this.getFormattedString(id, [number]);
- };
- } catch(e) {
- alert(e);
- }
- },
- onUnload : function() {
- this.prefs.dispose();
- },
- changedPrefs : function(prefs) {
- this.chkEnableRedirector.setAttribute('checked', prefs.enabled);
- this.chkShowStatusBarIcon.setAttribute('checked', prefs.showStatusBarIcon);
- this.chkShowContextMenu.setAttribute('checked', prefs.showContextMenu);
- this.chkEnableDebugOutput.setAttribute('checked', prefs.debugEnabled);
- },
- addItemsToListBox : function(items) {
- var item, row, value, newItem;
- for each (item in items) {
- newItem = this.template.cloneNode(true);
- newItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'dscrIncludePattern')[0].setAttribute('value', item.includePattern);
- newItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'dscrExcludePattern')[0].setAttribute('value', item.excludePattern);
- newItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'dscrRedirectTo')[0].setAttribute('value', item.redirectUrl);
- var checkEnabled = newItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'chkEnabled')[0];
- checkEnabled.setAttribute('checked', !item.disabled);
- newItem.setAttribute('class', item.disabled ? 'disabledRedirect' : '');
- newItem.item = item;
- this.lstRedirects.appendChild(newItem);
- newItem.setAttribute('selected', false)
- }
- //Enable, disable functionality
- this.lstRedirects.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
- if (ev.originalTarget && ev.originalTarget.tagName == 'checkbox') {
- var parent = ev.originalTarget.parentNode;
- while (!parent.item) {
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- parent.item.disabled = !ev.originalTarget.hasAttribute('checked');
- parent.setAttribute('class', parent.item.disabled ? 'disabledRedirect' : '');
- Redirector.save();
- }
- },false);
- },
- moveUp : function(){
- if (this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- this.switchItems(this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex-1);
- },
- moveDown : function() {
- if (this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex == Redirector.redirectCount-1) {
- return;
- }
- this.switchItems(this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex);
- },
- switchItems : function(firstIndex) {
- Redirector.switchItems(firstIndex, firstIndex+1);
- var firstItem = this.lstRedirects.children[firstIndex];
- var secondItem = this.lstRedirects.children[firstIndex+1];
- this.lstRedirects.removeChild(secondItem);
- this.lstRedirects.insertBefore(secondItem, firstItem);
- this.selectionChange();
- },
- setListItemValues : function(listItem, item){
- listItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'dscrIncludePattern')[0].setAttribute('value', item.includePattern);
- listItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'dscrExcludePattern')[0].setAttribute('value', item.excludePattern);
- listItem.getElementsByAttribute('name', 'dscrRedirectTo')[0].setAttribute('value', item.redirectUrl);
- },
- preferenceChange : function(event) {
- this.prefs[event.originalTarget.getAttribute('preference')] = event.originalTarget.hasAttribute('checked');
- },
- addRedirect : function() {
- var args = { saved : false, redirect : new Redirect() };
- window.openDialog("chrome://redirector/content/ui/editRedirect.xul", "redirect", "chrome,dialog,modal,centerscreen", args);
- if (args.saved) {
- Redirector.addRedirect(args.redirect);
- //Get it from redirector since it has processed it and it's no longer the same
- //object as the one we added.
- this.addItemsToListBox([Redirector.getRedirectAt(Redirector.redirectCount-1)]);
- this.selectionChange();
- }
- },
- editRedirect : function() {
- if (this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex == -1) {
- return;
- }
- //.selectedItem is still there after it has been removed, that's why we have the .selectedIndex check above as well
- var listItem = this.lstRedirects.selectedItem;
- if (!listItem) {
- return;
- }
- var redirect = listItem.item;
- var args = { saved: false, "redirect":redirect.clone()};
- window.openDialog("chrome://redirector/content/ui/editRedirect.xul", "redirect", "chrome,dialog,modal,centerscreen", args);
- if (args.saved) {
- redirect.copyValues(args.redirect);
- this.setListItemValues(listItem, redirect);
- Redirector.save();
- this.selectionChange();
- }
- },
- deleteRedirect : function() {
- var index = this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex;
- if (index == -1) {
- return;
- }
- var text = this.strings.getString("deleteConfirmationText");
- var title = this.strings.getString("deleteConfirmationTitle");
- var reallyDelete = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPromptService).confirm(null, title, text);
- if (!reallyDelete) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- this.lstRedirects.removeChild(this.lstRedirects.children[index]);
- Redirector.deleteRedirectAt(index);
- this.selectionChange();
- } catch(e) {
- alert(e);
- }
- },
- listKeypress : function(event) {
- if (event.keyCode == 13) { //Enter button
- this.editRedirect();
- } else if (event.keyCode == 46) { //Del button
- this.deleteRedirect();
- }
- },
- selectionChange : function() {
- if (!this.lstRedirects) {
- return;
- }
- var index = this.lstRedirects.selectedIndex;
- this.btnEdit.disabled = (index == -1);
- this.btnDelete.disabled = (index == -1);
- this.btnUp.disabled = (index <= 0);
- this.btnDown.disabled = (index == -1 || index >= Redirector.redirectCount-1);
- this.btnExport.disabled = (Redirector.redirectCount== 0);
- },
- getFile : function(captionKey, mode) {
- //Mostly borrowed from Adblock Plus
- var picker = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
- picker.init(window, this.strings.getString(captionKey), mode);
- picker.defaultExtension = ".rdx";
- var dir = this.prefs.defaultDir;
- if (dir) {
- picker.displayDirectory = new nsLocalFile(dir);
- }
- picker.appendFilter(this.strings.getString('redirectorFiles'), '*.rdx');
- if (picker.show() == picker.returnCancel) {
- return null;
- }
- this.prefs.defaultDir = picker.displayDirectory.path;
- return picker.file;
- },
- export : function() {
- var file = this.getFile('exportCaption', Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
- if (file) {
- Redirector.exportRedirects(file);
- }
- },
- import : function() {
- var file = this.getFile('importCaption', Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
- var result;
- if (!file) {
- return;
- }
- result = Redirector.importRedirects(file);
- var msg, imported, existed;
- imported = result & 0xFFFF;
- existed = result >> 16;
- if (imported > 0) {
- msg = this.strings.getPluralized('importedMessage', imported);
- if (existed > 0) {
- msg += ', ' + this.strings.getPluralized('existedMessage',existed);
- } else {
- msg += '.';
- }
- } else if (imported == 0 && existed > 0) {
- msg = this.strings.getPluralized('allExistedMessage', existed);
- } else { //Both 0
- msg = this.strings.getString('importedNone');
- }
- var title = this.strings.getString("importResult");
- Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPromptService).alert(null, title, msg);
- if (imported > 0) {
- var newlist = [];
- for (var i = Redirector.redirectCount-imported; i < Redirector.redirectCount; i++) {
- newlist.push(Redirector.getRedirectAt(i));
- }
- this.addItemsToListBox(newlist);
- }
- }
diff --git a/chrome/content/log.html b/chrome/content/log.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f04d1..0000000
--- a/chrome/content/log.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $Id$ -->
- <head>
- <title>Redirect