# $Id$ initError=Failed to initialize Redirector. extensions.redirector@einaregilsson.com.description=Automatically redirects to user-defined urls on certain pages extensionName=Redirector addCurrentUrl=Add current url to Redirector addLinkUrl=Add link url to Redirector recursiveError=A redirect with the pattern %S matches %S and is trying to redirect to it again. You should change this rule so it won't work recursively. enabledTooltip=Redirector is enabled disabledTooltip=Redirector is disabled testPatternSuccess=The pattern %S matches example URL %S, and would redirect you to url: %S testPatternFailure=The pattern %S does not match example URL %S testPatternExclude=Example URL %S matches the exclude pattern %S and so would not be redirected regexPatternError=The pattern '%S' is not a legal regular expression pattern. Details: %S xpathDeprecated=XPath patterns are no longer supported as of version 1.5.1, please remove those redirects. redirectorFiles=Redirector files (*.rdx) exportCaption=Export redirects... importCaption=Import redirects... deleteConfirmationText=Are you sure you want to permanently delete this redirect? deleteConfirmationTitle=Delete redirect? importedMessage=%S redirects were imported importedMessageSingular=%S redirect was imported existedMessage=%S redirects were identical to existing redirects and were therefore not imported. existedMessageSingular=%S redirect was identical to an existing redirect and was therefore not imported. allExistedMessage=All %S redirects in the file were identical to existing redirects, no redirects were imported. allExistedMessageSingular=The single redirect in the file was identical to an existing redirect and was therefore not imported. importedNone=There were no usable redirects in the given file, no redirects were imported. importResult=Import results invalidRedirectTitle=Redirector Add-on: Invalid Redirect detected invalidRedirectText=The pattern "%S" redirected the url %S to %S which also matches the pattern. This will cause an endless loop and so the redirect has been disabled to prevent this from happening. You should edit this redirect to fix it.