# $Id$ initError=Failed to initialize %S. extensions.redirector@einaregilsson.com.description=Automatically redirects to user-defined urls on certain pages extensionName=Redirector addCurrentUrl=Add current url to Redirector addLinkUrl=Add link url to Redirector recursiveError=A redirect with the pattern %S matches %S and is trying to redirect to it again. You should change this rule so it won't work recursively. enabledTooltip=Redirector is enabled disabledTooltip=Redirector is disabled testPatternSuccess=The pattern %S matches example URL %S, and would redirect you to url: %S testPatternFailure=The pattern %S does not match example URL %S testPatternExclude=Example URL %S matches the exclude pattern %S and so would not be redirected regexPatternError=The pattern '%S' is not a legal regular expression pattern. Details: %S xpathDeprecated=XPath patterns are no longer supported as of version 1.5.1, please remove those redirects.