const kRedirectorWildcard = 'W'; const kRedirectorRegex= 'R'; var Redirector = { list : [], enabled : true, init : function() { this.load(); this.prefObserver.register(); }, unload : function() { this.prefObserver.unregister(); }, save : function() { var r , tempList = []; for each (r in this.list) { tempList.push([r.exampleUrl, r.pattern, r.redirectUrl, r.onlyIfLinkExists, r.patternType, r.excludePattern]); } RedirLib.setCharPref('redirects', tempList.toSource()); }, load : function() { var tempList = eval(RedirLib.getCharPref('redirects')); var arr; this.list = []; for each (arr in tempList) { this.list.push({ exampleUrl : arr[0], pattern : arr[1], redirectUrl : arr[2], onlyIfLinkExists : arr[3], patternType : arr[4], excludePattern : arr[5] || '' }); } }, addRedirect : function(redirect) { this.list.push(redirect);; }, deleteAt : function(index) { this.list.splice(index, 1);; }, getRedirectUrlForInstantRedirect : function(url) { var redirect, link, links, redirectUrl; if (this.enabled) { for each (redirect in this.list) { redirectUrl = this.getRedirectUrl(url, redirect); //Can't do fast redirect if it requires that link exists //we need the original page to verify that it exists. //Slow redirect will be done automatically. if (redirectUrl) { if (!redirect.onlyIfLinkExists && !redirect.redirectUrl.startsWith('xpath:')) { RedirLib.debug('%1 matches %2, and it\'s not only if link exists and not an xpath expression. Can do instant redirect.'._(redirect.pattern, url)); return { 'url' : redirectUrl, 'pattern' : redirect.pattern}; } else if (redirect.redirectUrl.startsWith('xpath:')) { RedirLib.debug('%1 matches %2, but the redirect is a xpath expression and so has to be a slow redirect'._(redirect.pattern, url)); } else { RedirLib.debug('%1 matches %2, but it\'s "only if link exists" and so has to be a slow redirect'._(redirect.pattern, url)); } } } } return { 'url' : null, 'pattern' : null}; }, getRedirectUrl: function(url, redirect) { if (redirect.patternType == kRedirectorWildcard) { if (this.wildcardMatch(redirect.excludePattern, url, 'whatever')) { RedirLib.debug('%1 matches exclude pattern %2'._(url, redirect.excludePattern)); return null; } return this.wildcardMatch(redirect.pattern, url, redirect.redirectUrl); } else if (redirect.patternType == kRedirectorRegex) { if (this.regexMatch(redirect.excludePattern, url, 'whatever')) { RedirLib.debug('%1 matches exclude pattern %2'._(url, redirect.excludePattern)); return null; } return this.regexMatch(redirect.pattern, url, redirect.redirectUrl); } return null; }, processUrl : function(url, doc) { var redirect, link, links, redirectUrl; if (!this.enabled) { return; } for each (redirect in this.list) { redirectUrl = this.getRedirectUrl(url, redirect); if (redirectUrl) { RedirLib.debug('%1 matches %2'._(redirect.pattern, url)); if (redirect.onlyIfLinkExists) { links = window.content.document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for each(link in links) { if (link.href && link.href.toString() == redirectUrl) { RedirLib.debug('Found a link for %1'._(redirectUrl)); this.goto(redirectUrl, redirect.pattern, url, doc); return; } } RedirLib.debug('Did not find a link for %1'._(redirectUrl)); } else { this.goto(redirectUrl, redirect.pattern, url, doc); } } } }, makeAbsoluteUrl : function(currentUrl, relativeUrl) { if (relativeUrl.startsWith('http://') || relativeUrl.startsWith('https://')) { return relativeUrl; } var ioService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); RedirLib.debug(currentUrl); var uri = ioService.newURI(currentUrl, null, null); return uri.resolve(relativeUrl); }, goto : function(redirectUrl, pattern, url, doc) { if (redirectUrl.startsWith('xpath:')) { var xpath = redirectUrl.substr('xpath:'.length); RedirLib.debug('Evaluating xpath: ' + xpath); xpathResult = doc.evaluate(redirectUrl.substr('xpath:'.length), doc, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE,null); if (!xpathResult) { //fail silently RedirLib.debug('%1 returned nothing on url %2'._(xpath, url)); return; } else { RedirLib.debug('%1 evaluated to %2'._(redirectUrl, xpathResult.stringValue)); redirectUrl = xpathResult.stringValue; if (redirectUrl == '') { RedirLib.debug('XPath failed, no redirection will be made'); return; } } } redirectUrl = this.makeAbsoluteUrl(url, redirectUrl); if (redirectUrl == url) { RedirLib.msgBox(this.strings.getString('extensionName'), this.strings.getFormattedString('recursiveError', [pattern, redirectUrl])); } else { doc.location.href = redirectUrl; } }, regexMatch : function(pattern, text, redirectUrl) { if (!pattern) { return null; } var strings, rx, match; try { rx = new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'); match = rx.exec(text); } catch(e) { //HACK, need to make this better if (window.RedirectorOverlay) { strings = window.RedirectorOverlay.strings; } else if(window.Redirect) { strings = window.Redirect.strings; } RedirLib.msgBox(strings.getString('extensionName'), strings.getFormattedString('regexPatternError', [pattern, e.toString()])); return null; } var rxrepl; if (match) { for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) { rxrepl = new RegExp('\\$' + i, 'gi'); redirectUrl = redirectUrl.replace(rxrepl, match[i]); } return redirectUrl; } return null; }, wildcardMatch : function(pattern, text, redirectUrl) { var parts , part , i , pos , originalText , stars; if (!pattern) { return null; } parts = pattern.split('*'); stars = []; originalText = text; var starStart = -1; for (i in parts) { part = parts[i]; pos = text.indexOf(part); if (pos == -1) { return null; } if (i == 0 && pos != 0) { return null; } if (i == parts.length -1 && i != "" && text.substr(text.length - part.length) != part) { return null; } if (i == 0) { //Do nothing, part will be added on next run } else if (i == parts.length-1 && parts[i] == '') { stars.push(text); } else { stars.push(text.substr(0, pos)); } text = text.substr(pos + part.length); } for (var i = 1; i <= stars.length; i++) { redirectUrl = redirectUrl.replace(new RegExp('\\$' + i, 'gi'), stars[i-1]); } return redirectUrl; }, openHelp : function() { var windowsMediator = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); var win; var iter = windowsMediator.getEnumerator(null); while (iter.hasMoreElements()) { win = iter.getNext(); alert(; } //window.openDialog("chrome://redirector/content/help.html", windowName, "chrome,dialog,resizable=yes,location=0,toolbar=0,status=0,width=800px,height=600px,centerscreen", this); }, openSettings : function() { var windowName = "redirectorSettings"; var windowsMediator = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); var win = windowsMediator.getMostRecentWindow(windowName); if (win) { win.focus(); } else { window.openDialog("chrome://redirector/content/redirectList.xul", windowName, "chrome,dialog,resizable=no,centerscreen", this); } }, prefObserver : { getService : function() { return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranchInternal); }, register: function() { this.getService().addObserver('extensions.redirector', this, false); }, unregister: function() { this.getService().removeObserver('extensions.redirector', this); }, observe : function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != 'nsPref:changed') { return; } if (!window.Redirector) { return; } if (data == 'extensions.redirector.redirects') { Redirector.load(); } else if (data == 'extensions.redirector.enabled') { Redirector.enabled = RedirLib.getBoolPref('enabled'); } } } };