#include "drone_controller.hh" #include "opengl_widget.hh" #define TINYOBJLOADER_IMPLEMENTATION #include "tiny_obj_loader.h" #include #include #include Waypoint::Waypoint(unsigned frame, QVector3D pos) :frame(frame), pos(pos) {} Waypoint::Waypoint(const QJsonObject &json) :Waypoint(json["frame"].toInt(), QVector3D(json["position"]["lng_X"].toInt() / 100.0, json["position"]["alt_Y"].toInt() / 100.0, json["position"]["lat_Z"].toInt() / 100.0)) {} bool Drone::mesh_initialized = false; OpenGLMesh *Drone::mesh = nullptr; Drone::Drone() { if (!mesh_initialized) { tinyobj::ObjReaderConfig reader_config; reader_config.mtl_search_path = "../mdl/"; // Path to material files tinyobj::ObjReader reader; if (!reader.ParseFromFile("../mdl/dji600.obj", reader_config)) { if (!reader.Error().empty()) { qWarning() << "Erreur lors de la lecture de ../mdl/dji600.obj"; } exit(1); } // if (!reader.Warning().empty()) { // qWarning() << "TinyObjReader: " << reader.Warning(); // } auto& attrib = reader.GetAttrib(); mesh = new OpenGLMesh(QVector(attrib.vertices.begin(), attrib.vertices.end())); mesh_initialized = true; } OpenGLWidget::instance->meshes.append(*mesh); mesh_id = OpenGLWidget::instance->meshes.size() - 1; } Drone::Drone(const QJsonObject &json) :Drone() { QJsonArray ja = json["waypoints"].toArray(); waypoints.reserve(ja.size()); for (const QJsonValue &o : ja) { waypoints.append(Waypoint(o.toObject())); } } const QVector Drone::getWaypoints() const { return waypoints; } void Drone::setTo(int frame) { int prev = -1, next = -1; const Waypoint *prev_wp, *next_wp; for (const Waypoint &wp : waypoints) { // TODO: this can be optimized if (wp.frame < frame) { prev = wp.frame; prev_wp = ℘ } else { next = wp.frame; next_wp = ℘ break; } } OpenGLMesh &mesh = OpenGLWidget::instance->meshes[mesh_id]; mesh.mat = QMatrix4x4(); if (next > -1 && prev == -1) { mesh.mat.translate(next_wp->pos); } else if (prev > -1 && next == -1) { mesh.mat.translate(prev_wp->pos); } else { mesh.mat.translate(lerp(prev_wp->pos, next_wp->pos, (double) (frame-prev) / (next-prev))); } } DroneController::DroneController(const QJsonObject &json) :framerate(json["framerate"].toInt()) { QJsonArray ja = json["drones"].toArray(); drones.reserve(ja.size()); for (const QJsonValue &o : ja) { drones.append(Drone(o.toObject())); } for (const Drone &d : drones) { for (const Waypoint &wp : d.getWaypoints()) { if (wp.frame > duration) duration = wp.frame; } } connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DroneController::step); pause(); } int DroneController::getDuration() const { return duration; } void DroneController::step() { // qDebug("frame %d (%d%%)", frame, (int) ((double) frame / duration * 100)); for (Drone d : drones) { d.setTo(frame); } OpenGLWidget::instance->update(); emit frameChanged(frame); if (frame == duration) { pause(); } else { frame++; } } void DroneController::play() { if (!paused) return; paused = false; timer.start(1000. / framerate); qDebug() << "playing"; emit playing(); } void DroneController::pause() { if (paused) return; paused = true; timer.stop(); qDebug() << "pausing"; emit pausing(); } void DroneController::suspend() { if (!paused) { pause(); paused = false; } } void DroneController::resume() { if (!paused) { paused = true; play(); } } void DroneController::seek(int frame) { if (this->frame == frame) return; this->frame = frame; step(); }